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 In the pursuit of its mission, UGBS Nest has witnessed remarkable success through the implementation of the 'Bridging the Research Innovation-Industry Assimilation Gap through Technology Capacity Building in Rural Ghana' (BRIInG) project: under a bigger umbrella of RISA Fund. 

Overview of the Training Program

This is the Research and Innovation Systems in Africa (RISA) funded project titled “Bridging the Research Innovation-Industry Assimilation Gap through Technology Capacity Building in Rural Ghana Project”. This training is being done by the University of Ghana Business School Innovation and Incubation Hub (UGBS Nest) in partnership with the Dairy Research Improvement and Innovation Consortium (DRIInC). The project seeks to build the capacities of rural small enterprises by training them on process enhancement innovations from the existing research and innovation knowledge available at DRIInC at the University of Ghana.
In building the capacities of local entrepreneurs, we seek to prioritize learnings towards empowering disability-owned businesses and under-represented groups of society. By delivering the project through our existing research and technology transfer infrastructure, the project widens the scope of the number of small enterprises that are likely to assimilate knowledge and innovations emanating from research communities in Africa.
The overall objective of the project is to improve the technology assimilation capacity of rural enterprises through capacity-building training across six (6) regions in Ghana. The project also aims at documenting learnings from these capacity-building approaches through building an ecosystem of hub partners and rural enterprises which continually creates the synergistic research-industry innovation assimilation loop that makes an impact beyond this project.


The innovations in food processing manuals are training manuals developed by the Research Innovation Systems in Africa (RISA) in simple terms for the average person to understand and practice. This manual was developed by faculty members from the Dairy Research, Improvement, and Innovation Consortium (DRIInC) in collaboration with the University of Ghana Business School Nest (UGBS Nest).
The training program is designed to bridge the knowledge and skills gap between traders,farmers, and small-scale food processors. Innovative processing training has been developed for dairy, egg, tomatoes, fruits, fish, and palm fruit. This training manual is designed to give step-by-step innovative ways to process these foods and scale up.


Target Benefitiaries

This training targets local entrepreneurs, disability-owned businesses, and under-represented groups of society. This will help educate them on proper food handling methods to prevent food contamination as well as processing equipment to increase productivity and save time.



The Dairy Research Improvement and Innovation Consortium (DRIInC) 

The Dairy Research Improvement and Innovation Consortium is made up of researchers and  experts from various departments and centers within the College of Basic and Applied Sciences  (CBAS) of the University of Ghana. DRIInC primarily conducts research into holistic dairy  production and processing in Ghana. Due to demand in the food industry, DRIInC has extended  its training and research activities to cover other food and agro-processing sectors. With an  increasing demand for quality food products in the country, DRIInC aims to improve the  nutritional value, quality, and safety of foods through research and training of farmers and  handlers of food products.

BRIInG Stories

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